Tag Archives: How to find and apply for opportunities

Tips resource sheet for Summer jobs and internships

Students & New Grads»  Looking for a job?»  How to find and apply for opportunities» Tips resource sheet Summer jobs and internships Looking for Summer Jobs and Internships? Calling all undergraduate students in search of summer employment or internship opportunities! The Career Centre is dedicated to simplifying the process for you with our Summer Jobs and Internships […]

Look for summer or part-time opportunities (on or off campus)

Students & New Grads»  Looking for a job?»  How to find and apply for opportunities» On-Campus Opportunities   Work/Study Programs (General Work/Study, LEAP and RAY) The Work/Study Program at York University provides eligible undergraduate students (domestic and international) with the opportunity to develop professional skills and contribute to the University through paid, on-campus employment opportunities. Eligibility criteria […]

Create a professional LinkedIn profile

Students & New Grads»  Looking for a job?»  How to find and apply for opportunities» Create a professional LinkedIn profile Wondering how using LinkedIn effectively can enhance your job search? Career Centre Resources Group Activities How to Effectively Use LinkedIn Curious about how to leverage LinkedIn’s features to build your professional network? Career Lounge: Pop-in with a quick […]

Participate in a co-op or internship

Students & New Grads»   Want to build skills and experience?»  How to develop specific skills» Participate in a co-op or internship An internship or co-op placement—whether paid or unpaid—is an excellent way to connect with people in your field of interest, explore your fit for a particular occupation, and develop valuable work experience related to your […]