Tag Archives: Exploring options

Create a professional LinkedIn profile

Students & New Grads»  Looking for a job?»  How to find and apply for opportunities» Create a professional LinkedIn profile Wondering how using LinkedIn effectively can enhance your job search? Career Centre Resources Group Activities How to Effectively Use LinkedIn Curious about how to leverage LinkedIn’s features to build your professional network? Career Lounge: Pop-in with a quick […]

Research educational options

Students & New Grads»   Thinking about further education?»   How to choose a postgrad program?»   Research educational options If you've determined that the occupation you're interested in requires post-graduate study—or that you would increase your odds of success in your chosen career with some education beyond the Bachelor's level—begin to research the different programs available and […]

Determine your educational needs and wants

Students & New Grads»   Thinking about further education?»   How to choose a postgrad program?»   Determine your educational needs and wants Perhaps the career you're interested in requires a graduate education or a post-degree program or maybe you've determined that a post-degree diploma or certificate would make you a more desirable candidate in your chosen occupation. […]

Consider self-employment

Students & New Grads»  Wondering about career options?»  How to create your own opportunities»   Consider self-employment Are you interested in exploring entrepreneurship as a career option? Do you have a talent and/or an entrepreneurial spirit? Do you have an idea for a business? Is entrepreneurship right for you? Do you need assistance in getting started? If so, […]

Participate in a co-op or internship

Students & New Grads»   Want to build skills and experience?»  How to develop specific skills» Participate in a co-op or internship An internship or co-op placement—whether paid or unpaid—is an excellent way to connect with people in your field of interest, explore your fit for a particular occupation, and develop valuable work experience related to your […]

Network/connect with people in the field

Students & New Grads»  Wondering about career options?»  How to research different career options»   Network/connect with people in the field Connecting with others is one of the most important aspects of your career development for researching potential careers, networking with people in fields you’re interested in, seeking out or creating career opportunities, and looking for a job. […]

Conduct Occupational Research

Students & New Grads»  Wondering about career options?»  How to research different career options» Conduct Occupational Research Researching occupations isn’t that different from doing academic research—something you already know how to do! Here are a variety of resources that can help you find information about industries, companies, occupations, and specific positions. You can't figure out what might […]

Complete a Career Test or Self-Assessment

Students & New Grads»  Wondering about career options?»  How to choose a career that fits who you are» Complete a Career Test or Self-Assessment While there is no test that can determine your perfect career, there are many career assessment tools that provide starting points for further research based on individual personality types. The Keirsey Temperament Sorter […]