Passionate about travel and culture? Apply to our Odyssey program!
Let your Odyssey begin by becoming a language assistant! Odyssey is a full-time work experience that gives you the opportunity to live in another province, share your culture, and make a difference in the lives of young people in your host community.
You will receive a taxable salary of $25,000 (approximately $25 per hour) for the nine months of your Odyssey work term.
Odyssey gives you the opportunity to lead language activities — in English — in an elementary, secondary, or post-secondary classroom to support the teacher.
From the beginning of September till the end of May, you will work 25 hours a week helping young people who want to learn English and discover the anglophone Canadian culture! On the other hand, you will also discover the francophone Canadian culture by living in a French-speaking province!
Want to improve your second language skills? Apply to our Explore program!
Explore is a five-week intensive language-immersion course. You can take the course in the spring or summer, whichever you prefer. Participants in Explore receive a $2,800 bursary (taxable income) that covers tuition fees for the courses, instructional materials, meals and accommodations, workshops, and other mandatory activities.