Volunteer Fair Profile


Please note: Not all employers provided information about their positions and application processes. Please visit their websites for more details.

NXNE (June 12-16, 2024) is Canada's most important 'discovery' music festivals presenting 250+ of the best emerging artists from across Canada and around the world. It takes place in 20+ of Toronto's best live music venues and last year, attracted 21,000 venue visits. NXNE is anchored at NX HQ on Queen Street West which is a busy hub for registration, networking and performances.
NXNE lives up to its commitment to make great music accessible, diverse and inclusive to all by
removing the financial barriers and ensuring gender equity and BIPOC representation.

Website: https://www.nxne.com

Recruiting for: - stage managers - door staff - street team (general promo, survey team etc) - signage crew - general operations assistants - load in/load out volunteers - outdoor event crew - festival prep crew - ie welcome bag stuffers - sponsorship liaison volunteers - 'Merch' table volunteers - and more

Specially interested in seeing students from these Programs:

Music and music business students are often engaged with NXNE but anyone with a keen interest in the festival.