Twitter Career Chat: Gearing Up for the Fall Recruitment Season

September 11, 2017 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Twitter (#yucareerchat)

Have you ever wondered why there is so much buzz and activity at the Career Centre each Fall? Are you looking for your first part-time job, a career-building new graduate opportunity or something in between? Join us for a Twitter Career Chat with YorkU Career Centre's own Job Search Advisors, @MDagsi and @MsSandraY, as we ask them for their top tips on how students and graduates can stand out during the Fall recruitment season. Be sure to add the hashtag #yucareerchat to your tweets to participate in the conversation.

How to participate
Follow us on Twitter: @YorkUCareerCtr
To participate in the chat: Sign into your Twitter account & add the hashtag #yucareerchat to your tweets