Alumni Career Chats: Vijay Sidhu - Detective, Toronto Police Service

Alumni Career Chats
Alumni Career Chats are designed to assist York students and new graduates in making connections, building their professional network, and gaining industry insights.


Vijay Sidhu
Detective at Toronto Police Service
BBA, Business Administration, Schulich School of Business, 2001

Alumni Bio

As I approach 20 years since I completed my undergraduate degree, I would say at that time, working as an officer with Toronto Police was the furthest thing from my mind. Today, I work as a Detective in our Audit & Quality Assurance Unit as part of the Inspections Team. I've had an insightful career in 17 years with the organization and look forward to what the future holds!

During the session Alumni will share:

  • Their personal career paths;
  • How their university education is relevant to their particular position;
  • The realities of sectors they work in;
  • Tips and Strategies for entering the sector;
  • Opportunities within their fields;
  • Resources for connecting with professionals in that field.

For more information about this event and to register, login to Experience York.