Alumni Profile

Bailey Anderson, a York alumnus

Bailey Anderson

Degree: Bachelor of Arts (International Studies and Political Science)
Graduated: 2007
Current Position: Account Coordinator, Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Current Career: Account Coordinator, Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing – I work with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing in the Housing Programs branch. I work on programs that help people stay in safe and stable housing.

Why I think I'm living a great life: I feel like I'm living a great life because I'm surrounded by people that I love and I go to work every day and am inspired by the people around me.

How I got here: I started as an Intern through the Ontario Internship Program. Since then I've worked for four different ministries in various roles. It's helped me really understand the way that government works.

What I did when I felt unsure/lost about my career direction: For me, I deal with it by trying to learn new things about where I am, talking to people around me to see if there is something else I can be doing. I've been lucky to have a lot of mentors that way.

What I've learned: Hang in there! Make the most of the opportunities that come your way and be willing to learn new things. Careers are developed over time based on an individual's experience.