Volunteer Fair Profile

Bereaved Families of Ontario-Halton-Peel

Please note: Not all employers provided information about their positions and application processes. Please visit their websites for more details.

We are the bereaved helping the bereaved learn to live with grief.

To empower grieving individuals and families by providing inclusive mutual support programs, fostering hope and healing, and educating the public to help reduce the stigma of grief and bereavement.

Website: http://www.bereavedfamilies.ca

Recruiting for: Volunteer Group Facilitators

Skills: Our Group Facilitators lead open and closed support groups for individuals who have experienced a loss; they provide compassion and understanding in a non judgmental environment.

Specially interested in seeing students from these Programs:

Open to all programs

Number of positions: 10

Application method: Bring a resume or email resume to volunteering@bereavedfamilies.ca

How to prepare: Bring a resume