Understand the career decision making process

Understand the career decision making process

Understanding how career decision making works can take some of the stress out of the process. The Career Centre has developed a career decision making model to illustrate the different parts of the career exploration process and how they fit together.

A model made of circles depicting two areas of career decision making: Internal Clarification and Inspired Exploration

Internal Clarification

Internal Clarification is a process of self assessment, which may include thinking about your desires, interests, abilities, and personality as they relate to career decision making. If you would like guidance in this process, you may participate in the Who Am I? Self Assessment Game workshop or book a 20-minute Career Counselling appointment where you will have the opportunity to meet one-on-one with a Career Counsellor.

Who I Am

Career decisions start with self reflection on what is most important to you. This may include your career desires, abilities, personality and assets. By understanding important aspects of yourself, you gain clarity surrounding career decision making.

Other Factors

Other People and Other Factors may influence your career direction. Examples may include family, partners, friends; as well as financial situations, or life roles.

Career Curiosities

Career Curiosities refers to your career ideas. They can be specific occupations such as Television and Radio Reporter; activities such as working with children; or pursuing a further education program.

Inspired Exploration

Inspired Exploration refers to a process of exploring the world around you in order to clarify your career direction. This may include assessing your thoughts and feelings in relation to career decision making, as well as exploring opportunities around you. If you would like guidance in this process, you may book a 20-minute Career Counselling appointment where you will have the opportunity to meet one-on-one with a Career Counsellor.

Taking Action

Taking Action refers to gaining more information or insight into a career you are curious about. This may include applying for a volunteer position or talking to professionals who may work in your field of interest. Once you have made a decision regarding your career direction, it may also include having your resumé reviewed or attending an Interview Practice Session.


Opportunities are learning experiences created by you that assist you in moving forward in a meaningful career direction. For example, obtaining an internship or entry level position within your field of interest; or applying to graduate studies.

Thoughts and Feelings

Your thoughts and feelings give you insight into the direction that you may wish to pursue in your future career. By considering your thoughts and feelings you can begin to better understand your next step(s) in moving towards your career goals.


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